the requirement for adoption services to prepare a prospective adopter’s assessment plan? | | | |
the requirement for adoption services to prepare a prospective adopter’s report? | | | |
the requirements in respect of an adoption service’s final decision as to a prospective adopter’s suitability? | | | |
the requirement for adoption services to review its approval of prospective adopters? | | | |
the requirement for adoption services to prepare a prospective adopter matching plan following approval of prospective adopters? | | | |
the requirements in respect of a child’s proposed placement? | | | |
the requirements in relation to an adoption service’s decisions about proposed adoption placements? | | | |
the requirement for adoption services to provide support with overseas adoptions? | | | |
the requirement for adoption services to produce an adoption placement plan following a decision to place a child for adoption with a particular prospective adopter? | | | |
the requirement for adoption services to review the cases of children in their care and to review adoption placements? | | | |
the requirement for adoption services to appoint an independent reviewing officer to chair reviews of cases? | | | |