L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Regulation of social work and mental health services for children

The purpose of this survey is to gain your views on the draft Regulation of Care (Regulated Activities) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations and the draft Regulation of Care (Standards and Requirements) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations.
This consultation does not require any personal information to be provided. If any personal information is divulged this will not be shared outside of the team developing these draft Regulations within the Department for Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance or published online as part of the consultation.
The information you provide will be anonymous unless you are providing a response on behalf of an organisation, in which case you may choose to provide the name of that organisation, below. Your responses will be included in any summary of statistical information received and views expressed. The Government of Jersey may quote or publish responses to this consultation (send to other interested parties on request, send to the Scrutiny Office, quote in a published report, report in the media, publish on www.gov.je, list on a consultation summary etc.) but will not publish the names and addresses of individuals – comments from organisations may be attributed if they so choose. This will be done in compliance with the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 for the purposes of this consultation. Further information on how we will use this information can be found in the privacy notice. Under the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011, information submitted to this consultation may be released if a Freedom of Information request requires it, but no personal data will be released.

Are you providing responses as: *


If you are a private individual please ignore this next question. If you are providing responses on behalf of an organisation would you like to do so anonymously?


Q1. Do you agree with the revised definition of social care?


Q2. Do you agree with the changes to the definitions of the existing regulated activities?


Q3. Do you agree with...

YesNoDon't Know
The definition of adoption service
The definition of a children's home
The definition of a fostering service
The definition of a social work service for children and young people
The definition of a service for the independent monitoring and review of children's safeguarding arrangements
The definition of a child contact centre
The definition of a residential family centre
The definition of a mental health service for children and young people
The definition of a care service in special schools
The definition of a children and family community nursing service

Q4. Do you agree with the proposed conditions to be applied to new regulated activities at registration?


Q5. Do you agree with the amendments to the requirements to ensure that care is appropriate, safe, personalised and respectful?


Q6. Do you agree with...

YesNoDon't Know
The amendments to the requirements in relation to nutrition and hydration, the management of medicines, shared care with other agencies and premises and equipment?
The amendments to the requirements in relation to handling complaints

Q7. Do you agree with the generic requirements under the 2018 Regulations which will remain in place?


Q8. Do you agree with the requirements under the 2018 Regulations which apply to children’s homes and which will remain in place?


Q9. Do you agree with...

YesNoDon't Know
the requirement for adoption services to appoint medical advisers
the requirement for adoption services to prepare written policy and procedures in relation to its functions and those of the Adoption Panel?

Q10. Do you agree with...

YesNoDon't Know
the requirement for adoption services to establish case records?
the requirement for adoption services to identify prospective adopters for each child in their care?
the requirement for adoption services to provide counselling for and to ascertain the wishes and feelings of children in their care?
the requirement for adoption services to provide counselling for and to ascertain the wishes and feelings of a child’s birth parents or their guardians?
the requirement for adoption services to obtain background biographical and health information about children in their care?
the requirement for adoption services to obtain background biographical and health information about the birth parents and the families of children in their care?
the requirement for adoption services to prepare a permanence report for every child in their care?
the requirement for adoption services to consider any recommendations made by the Adoption Panel?

Q11. Do you agree with...

YesNoDon't Know
the requirement for adoption services to prepare a prospective adopter’s plan?
the requirement for adoption services to establish a case record for each prospective adopter?
the requirement for adoption services to provide counselling for and to provide information to prospective adopters?
the requirement for adoption services to carry out police criminal background checks on prospective adopters?
the requirement for adoption services to obtain background biographical and health information about prospective adopters?
the requirement for adoption services to take full account of relevant background information when making a preliminary decision as to a prospective adopter’s suitability to adopt?

Q12. Do you agree with...

YesNoDon't Know
the requirement for adoption services to prepare a prospective adopter’s assessment plan?
the requirement for adoption services to prepare a prospective adopter’s report?
the requirements in respect of an adoption service’s final decision as to a prospective adopter’s suitability?
the requirement for adoption services to review its approval of prospective adopters?
the requirement for adoption services to prepare a prospective adopter matching plan following approval of prospective adopters?
the requirements in respect of a child’s proposed placement?
the requirements in relation to an adoption service’s decisions about proposed adoption placements?
the requirement for adoption services to provide support with overseas adoptions?
the requirement for adoption services to produce an adoption placement plan following a decision to place a child for adoption with a particular prospective adopter?
the requirement for adoption services to review the cases of children in their care and to review adoption placements?
the requirement for adoption services to appoint an independent reviewing officer to chair reviews of cases?

Q13. Do you agree with the requirements in relation to the storage and handling of case records by adoption services?


Q14. Do you agree with...

YesNoDon't Know
the requirement for fostering services to promote the welfare of children who are placed with foster parents, at all times?
the requirement for fostering services to prepare and implement a written safeguarding plan?
the requirements placed on fostering services in respect of children’s behaviour management and children missing from a foster parent's home?
the requirement for fostering services to promote contact between children placed with foster parents and their parents, relatives and friends?
the requirement for fostering services to promote the health of children placed with foster parents?
the requirement for fostering services to promote the educational achievement of children placed with foster parents?

Q15. Do you agree with...

YesNoDon't Know
the requirement for fostering services to provide appropriate support and information to foster parents?
the requirement for fostering services to have an appropriate complaints procedure in place?

Q16. Do you agree with...

YesNoDon't Know
the requirement to establish the Fostering Panel?
the requirements relating to the meetings of the Fostering Panel?
the functions of the Fostering Panel?

Q17. Do you agree...

YesNoDon't Know
with the requirement for fostering services to establish an appeals process in relation to the approval of foster parents?
that the Care Commission should be able to ensure that the fostering service is adhering to requirements imposed upon it under the Placement Regulations?

Q18. Do you agree with the approach taken to regulating children’s social work services?


Q19. Do you agree with the approach taken to regulating independent monitoring and review services?


Q20. Do you agree that child contact centres should be required to directly supervise contact between children and others when in the care of the service?


Further Amendments to the draft Regulation
Are there any specific aspects of these draft Regulations which you think could be improved? Please note if you choose to provide comments these must relate specifically to the improvements which might be made to the draft Regulation of Care (Regulated Activities) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations. You must not provide any personal information to this consultation, including information which could identify either you or any other specific individual. In particular, you must not provide specific details of any care which you or others have either received or provided.