L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Safeguarding Training Registration for Childcare Sector

Fully read and understand the information below which provides important details.

It is mandatory for all childcare practitioners to successfully complete the Safeguarding and Child Protection training. Note that this is the initial course and not a refresher for those who are already trained in Safeguarding.

Registration and delivery of this course is now done online via 2 self-learning parts.

Part 1: Completion of the Safeguarding course on Virtual College
Delegates will automatically receive a certificate from Virtual College upon completion of Part 1. This must be safely kept.

Part 2: Additional reading (PowerPoint)
This has been produced by CEYS. It provides further information and more specifically covers the Jersey context.

Once the registration form below has been completed, delegates will be contacted with further information and provided with the additional reading. CEYS aims to facilitate this training every 3 to 4 weeks.

Contact Ceys@gov.je should you have any further questions.